TAT Secondary 2019 Result Declared
Secondary tat result 2019
A web based enterprise application software, AttendanceOnline is a comprehensive attendance management solution, exclusively designed for educational institutions of all types and sizes. Ideally speaking, a comprehensive module that overcomes the challenges of traditional attendance systems, is need of the hour. Built on the very maxim,s secondary and secondary tat result "TAT Result Declared", not only automates the attendance operations but also creates a common data sharing platform between stakeholders precisely Management, Principals/ Teachers - HOD's/Faculty, Students and Parents. Furthermore, it also ensures optimum utilization of time and resources besideit also ensures optimum utilization of time and resources besides saving operational and communication costs.
higher secondary TAT RESULT DECLARE
At the heart of our design and innovation strategy is what we call the customer experience engine. We believe that there is no one size fits all approach. Therefore in order to conceive, create and deliver the comprehensive attendance management module for educational institutions called AttendanceOnline, we devised the 4S approach.
Eachhigher secondary tat result module of AttendanceOnline has been crafted keeping in mind the intricate needs of a medical campus. Such close mapping of our unique requirements has given a solution that has greatly optimized all our operations & infused the Campus with a new energy. It has helped me move many steps forward towards my vision of a paperless campus. Going green besides meeting the larger objective has also saved us an enormous amount spent yearly on stationery & printing costs."
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